2D-3D Trees - Volume 16

Supported version:
Price: 39,00 EUR

12 3D models of several trees, compatibles with ArchiCAD 16 or higher and CineRender.

The objects are made with a low polygon quantity, they have a real growing factor according to the size and a corresponding symbolic view in elevation. 
Optimized for BIMX.

- 4 Quiver tree (Aloe Dichotoma)
- 4 Spiked Cabbage (Cussonia spicata)
- 4 Umbrella Thorn (Acacia tortilis)


Option available:
- Real growing factor
- Symbolic view in elevation - 2d symbol shadow
- 2d realistic symbol
- 3d detail level
- Wind option in movies
- Season (no evergreen)

HERE you can download a PDF to see the contents of this collection



2D 3D plants 15 1 interfaccia




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